Friday, May 29, 2020

Why Blogging About Your Job Search Can Help Others (Pt. 2) Building Your Future Now

Why Blogging About Your Job Search Can Help Others (Pt. 2) Building Your Future Now One of the best things about blogging is you can pretty much write and post what you wantand in this case, you can have a little fun when it comes to documenting your job search experience! Have you met anyone during the course of your job search that has inspired you? Have there been any strange job interviews that you have had? Has the job search given you a new perspective when it comes to your career direction? Blogging about these experiences while out on the job hunt can also get you thinking about your situation. Do you want to explore other avenues in your career development? Also try engaging readers by reaching out to you and sharing their own stories in the comments section or through social media! You can also use your blog to interview people, writing a blurp about companies you would like to find more about perhaps writing abour key people in these companies. These are some great ideas to expand your own knowledge and even your network. Image: Kaboom Pics

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