Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Avoid These Words on Your Resume and Get More Interviews

Avoid These Words on Your Resume and Get More InterviewsAvoid These Words on Your Resume and Get More InterviewsResume writing is a fine art and yet, too many job candidates are haphazard in their approach. As a result, they find themselves sending out piles of resumes that yield few (if any) quality responses.One common issue has to do with word selection. Whether you realize it or bedrngnis, resumes require a different kind of writing. There are standard conventions that must be respected. When theyre not, you end up looking ill-informed and amateurish. Recruiters and hiring managers are notoriously unforgiving. Even if your experience and skills are indeed an ideal match for the role, its likely that no one will ever realize that. Your resume will be tossed aside within seconds.See 25 Best Business Jobs for 2017.Most people already know to avoid any words that relate to potentially controversial topics, such as religion or politics, and anything that refers directly to a protected class, like age, race, nationality or gender. But theres more to it than that. Here are five key categories to avoid.PronounsStandard resume convention dictates that you should not use pronouns on your resume, including the first-person pronoun I. Instead, you should use what I call a disembodied first-person voice. For example Do not write I increased profitability by 40 percent in the first year after I was hired Write this instead Increased profitability by 40 percent within one yearMany professionals dont agree with this approach, but its not debatable. This is how resumes are written and ignoring the rule simply because you dont like it is counterproductive.Likewise, avoid other pronouns like we, him and her. For example Do not write We helped him set goals for our team Write this instead Helped leadership establish team goalsSee The 25 Highest-Paying Jobs That Dont Require a College Degree.Too Many ArticlesArticles are words such as a, an and the. These words are unnecessary in most cases they just take up space and add visual clutter. Do not write Built a new organizational ordnungsprinzip for the finance department Write this instead Built new organizational system for finance departmentClichesCliches are words or terms that are overused and can be viewed as relatively meaningless. The dictionary definition says they betray a lack of original thought. If you want your resume to stand out and show that youre a unique, valuable asset for the organization, avoid cliches as much as possible.Common cliches include outside the box, go-getter, best of breed, thought leadership, etc. Instead of using such phrases, start citing specific accomplishments that demonstrate the traits youre trying to highlight. Do not write Outside-the-box problem-solver Write this instead Designed solution for expense reporting procedure resulting in 25 percent reduction in errorsToo Many WordsDont use multiple words where one will do just fine. Once again, this just wastes space and creates unnecessary clutter, making your resume harder to read. For example Do not write due to the fact that or in addition to or as well as Write this instead because or andOften, people use these phrases because they sound more professional and pleasing to the ear when read aloud. Remember that your resume is being skimmed its not usually being read word-for-word.See 7 Ways to Crush a Phone Interview.GeneralitiesFinally, avoid nonspecific terms such as very, lots or many. Wherever possible, identify specifics. These general words are too vague and can come off as fabricated or lazy. Even if you cant assign numbers to everything, you can still use more concrete language by providing estimates. Do not write Saved the company a lot of money Write this instead Saved organization $4,500 in wasted materials annually Or write Saved organization thousands in wasted materials annuallyResume writing is unlike almost any other form of writing. While these rules might seem counterintuiti ve or even silly, they ensure youre making the right impression. By following them, you help make your resume easy to read. Instead of focusing on the writing, the recruiter or hiring manager will be able to focus on the content. In the end, thats really what matters most.

Thursday, December 26, 2019

The Best Podcasts For Your Career

The Best Podcasts For Your CareerThe Best Podcasts For Your CareerWhether you want something to keep you entertained during morning commute, or if you need extra motivation to push through a tough assignment, the right podcast can give you that extra boost. With so many podcasts to choose from, I narrowed down my top five that are not only entertaining to listen to but will level up your career. Manager ToolsThe popular podcast Manager Tools has over 300 25-minute episodes dedicated to management and leadership issues. With topics ranging from how to deal with a too-full calendar to planning an offsite for your team, the podcast covers everything you need to know to be a successful manager. According to its description on iTunes, Manager Tools has also won the Best Podcast Award in 2006, 2007, 2008 and 2012 from PodCastAwards.com. Download the podcastBeyond the To-Do ListOne can never have too many productivity hacks. Beyond the To-Do List focuses on being your most productive self a t work and in your personal life. Beyond the To-Do List includes interviews, practical advice and how you can use your favorite apps like Pinterest and Evernote to increase your productivity. Each episode is titled clearly so you know exactly whats in store. Some popular episodes are titled, Work from Anywhere, Hustle, and Energy.Download the podcastThe Big Leap ShowAlthough The Big Leap Show is fairly new (its first episode was Jan. 4, 2016), youll find inspiring and motivating interviews to help push your forward to your next career move. The host, Kathlyn Hart, definitely walks the talk of her podcast. She quit her job to backpack through Asia and made her dreams come alive by becoming a life coach and hosting her own podcast. Kathlyn interviews inspiring women and discusses topics like, Creating a Vision and Starting Today and Testing Your Product and Welcoming Feedback.Download the podcastThe Accidental CreativeThe Accidental Creative is a collection of interviews with all type s of people, from creatives to business leaders, on how they live creative and inspiring lives. Todd Henry, the host, is the author of three books (The Accidental Creative, Die Empty, and Louder Than Words) and an international speaker. He touches on topics such as umgang competition and how to stand out in your job.Download the podcastBeing BossThe Being Boss Podcasts tagline is A Podcast for Creative Entrepreneurs. Even if youre not starting your own business, Being Boss shares nuggets of helpful information to thrive in your career. Each episode is about 60 minutes and will inspire you to discover the job you love. A popular episode features an interview with best-selling author Brene Brown on how vulnerability actually helps you in being the best in your career.Download the podcast

Sunday, December 22, 2019

What fall (and science) teaches us about life and death

What fall (and science) teaches us about life and deathWhat fall (and science) teaches us about life and deathI was launched as one and ended up being trillions of them. The cells composing my body are amazing micro-machines one hundred of them can fit into the period at the end of this phrase. Regardless of my awareness, each of these teeny tiny units strictly performs its own intricate duties breathing in oxygen and secreting out carbon dioxide, multiplying by splitting into two, migrating around or idling for a while, and ultimately maturing to lay down the specific type of supporting structure known as matrix. The matrix surrounds the cell and sustains its specific function like soft matrix for skin and hard matrix for bones or teeth.A cell even has its own brain or, if you will, control panel the nucleus. This nucleus contains the instructions for building a cell and an entire individual. This fur-letter code, known as DNA and measuring 2 meters long from a single nucleus, dict ates every single programmed task the cell performs during its life.Interestingly, the function of a cell does notlage end at maturation or when it finishes secreting the matrix. The cells function is only complete after its final task which is, amazingly, to die programmed cell death. The term programmed describes the organized, planned and careful dismantling of the cells components rather than a sudden unpredictable ruination.Carefully dismantling lifeThe planned process could be compared to the careful disassembly of a Lego castle. In contrast to the instant gravity-driven wreckage on the ground, pieces are taken off and organized back into their original slots to be eventually reused and reassembled into another complex construction. This organized and programmed ending of the life of a cell was sensibly given the biological term apoptosis from Greek apo, which means off/away, and ptosis, which means dropping, referring to the falling leaves.What is more intriguing than the ap optosis process itself is the analogy behind its name. During autumn, leaves dry and fall off the tree. Despite leaving an obvious leafless and seemingly lifeless structure, it is only by shedding its leaves that the tree can survive the windy and sun-deprived winter, when sudden gusts could blow down a tree laden with a large surface area of leaves.In other words, dismissing its leaves before winter, the tree prepares to reduce wind resistance and to save energy to re-blossom in the spring.The death of the part the leaf as sad as it may seem, is for the sake of the life of the whole tree. If leaves do not leave (is that where their name comes from?), the whole tree will die, taking with it the lingering leaves. Similarly, the apoptosis of a cell is a necessary sacrifice to preserve the life of the whole body.Life goes on Taking ur bones as an example, the balance between the newborn and dying cells is the key to the natural turnover for ur healthy skeleton. In fact, about 10 perc ent of our bone mass is renewed every year with cells dying and new ones taking their place. When the balance of this process is disrupted, disease results. Too many dying cells leads to the loss of bone mass, such as in a condition known as osteoporosis, which means porous bones. Too many new cells leads to bone tumors. Having their programmed death gone awry, cells multiply indefinitely and uncontrollably a condition known as cancer which sets the whole body to an eventual death.On different scales the leaf for a tree, the cell for the body, the individual for the society what we perceive as death is actually an act of carrying on life. Mourning the separation from our beloved inevitably, and rightfully, overrides our understanding or rather the inability to understand death, lifes plainest and most puzzling fact and inescapable fate.All of us will eventually drop off the tree. In fact, birth could ironically be regarded as the primary predisposing factor for death the only guarantee not to fall off is not to get seeded in the first place.Before it is too lateHaving experienced wet eyes, I am not trying or daring to make the departure of our beloved ones into a soothing scientific technicality or underestimate the associated feelings. Indeed, despite what we can learn from trees, we are not trees Feelings are an integrated part of our existence and are what makes us human.Ruth McKernan, a British neuroscientist who studies how our brain functions, having struggled through the moments of her fathers agony and endured the grief of separation, puts it this way in her book Billys Halo That is science and that is real life. At the moments of separation, all the theory doesnt make it easier to bear.This fall, while contemplating the panoply of the fall colors and the leaves dropping, let us remind ourselves to cherish our seniors while they are around. Acknowledging that our comfort and joy are not synonymous, let us serve them with appreciation for what the y have contributed in our lives.Remembering who have passed, let us celebrate their legacy that paved the way to new blossoming generations and certainly we shall mourn our beloved who have prematurely left. Let us decide to do the best we can, wherever and whenever we can for our family, friends, coworkers and all our fellow leaves in society as long as we are still connected to its branches.Samer Zaky, Research Assistant Professor, University of PittsburghThis article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

6 ways to keep your mind from wandering at work during the holidays

6 ways to keep your mind from wandering at work during the holidays6 ways to keep your mind from wandering at work during the holidaysTheres holiday music playing, your coworkers become a bit more cheery, and shopping apps are being downloaded. With all the holiday hoopla going on, how are you staying focused on your work projects?Weve turned to experts for their strategies to keep your eye on your work agenda and your wandering mind for when youre off the clock.Schedule holiday worry timeEveryone has a large holiday to-do list, but with planning, worrying can be managed.platzset aside a specific time each day to think about the gifts you want to purchase, the decorating you want to do, and the parties youd like to attend, says Amy Morin, a psychotherapist and author of 13 Things Mentally Strong People Dont Do.Catch yourselfTry and be one step ahead of your temptation to deviate from your work tasks.If you find yourself starting to shop online at the office or you start making a list of the goodies, or you need to bake when you should be working on a project, remind yourself that you have set aside time to do that later, suggest Morin. That can help you stay better focused on your current tasks.Create shorter work spansBecause there are so many work distractions during the holidays, try to stay focused for small chunks of time.Set a goal to stay on task for a short amount of time 10 or 15 minutes and set a timer, suggests Morin. When the timer goes off, give yourself a quick break, maybe two to five minutes. When your time is up, get back to work.She said these shorter work spurts may create more productivity.Make a list of your holiday tasksBy keeping a do not forget list, this may reduce stress and worry.You might find yourself stressed about all the things you have to remember, which can distract you from your task-at-hand, Morin says. Keep a handy list nearby where you can jot down the stuff that youre afraid you might forget, like the gift you want to buy for a neighbor or the card you forgot to send to your cousin.Knowing that youve written down the things to do and may free up the mental energy you need to concentrate.Consider using vacation timeMake sure you schedule time to shop and decorate. Instead of running around at night and on weekends, try taking a half-day off during the week for holiday errands.An afternoon or morning off when stores are less crowded is an overall time and stress saver, says Melissa Mattern, owner of Meditation for Regular People, a meditation studio in Portland, OR.Slow down the holiday paceOn your lunch break, or before or after work, Mattern says to get back to basics regarding the winter holidays. To become mindful she says to take a walk, a nap, or enjoy a few minutes with a book and even go a step further.Throw a snowball as far as you can throw it, or breathe and gaze at that one Christmas tree in town that is the showstopper, she says. Before you know it the holidays will be over, and the hecti c first quarter begins again.

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Understanding Unions and Flight Attendant Careers

Understanding Unions and Flight Attendant CareersUnderstanding Unions and Flight Attendant CareersThe two major reasons a union forms are to negotiate better working conditions and pay, on the one hand, and to resolve disputes on the other. In situations in which a flight attendant is accused of violating some rule - excessive use of sick time without medical documentation, mouthing off to a supervisor or passenger, stealing from the airplane - the union will in most cases file a grievance to protect the flight attendant from false accusations or from unfair punishment. In a case in which a company tried to fire a flight attendant for taking a carton of milk off the plane, the attendants union was able to demonstrate that the milk was perishable and could not be used on future flights, but it was mucksmuschenstill theft, and one month unpaid leave would be more appropriate punishment. Union work can be either part-time or full-time, at the local or national level. Local base offi cers might represent employees with discipline problems or in termination hearings, or work with the company on improving the bid sheet or on specific issues that affect a certain base. Locally, in addition to the Base Chairperson, there are scheduling representatives, health reps, and various council officers. One of the most useful local departments is Professional Standards. If a flight attendant accuses another of anything from harassment to stealing, the accused can retaliate, saying the other provoked him. Once a flight attendant writes up another flight attendant and turns him into management, the company is obliged to take some kind of action, which almost always gets blown out of proportion. For example, taking a bottle of water or a yogurt from the aircraft is technically not allowed under any circumstances, and if handled through the airline, could lead to termination. But handled through Professional Standards, the union can try to warn the offending flight attenda nt that this kind of behavior risks his or her job. The airlines have employee assistance programs if workers have emotional problems, drug or alcohol addiction, or even kleptomania. But employee assistance only works if you go to the company before they get to you. If you fail a drug test before going to employee assistance, you lose your job. If youve gone to employee assistance and fail a drug test, youre put on probation, but get a second chance (dont try this at home). If another flight attendant turns you in, and the company puts a ghost rider (a manager from a different base who masquerades as a regular passenger), and you get busted (drinking, stealing, violating allowable crew rest periods), theres almost no recourse from getting fired. By using professional standards reps at the union, you can help a co-worker going through a tough time as well as save yourself the headache of potentially getting ghost ridden should the guilty party try to turn the tables on you. Nat ional union officers work on much larger issues that affect flight attendants system-wide. A president, vice president, secretary and treasurer are elected by the membership, along with national officers dealing with safety, scheduling, hotels, contract, negotiations and communications. The union puts together strike preparedness plans, along with negotiating a new contract every four to 10 years. Almost every aspect of a flight attendants work day is specified in the contract, from the number of flights an attendant can work per day, to number of vacation days to pay scale to uniforms. Additionally, the national officers might work to dispute company policies that are overly punitive, such as requiring anyone who calls in sick in December to have a medical certificate (doctors note) before returning to work. Or they may fight staffing changes when a company cuts the number of flight attendants on some flights. Besides a typically adversarial relationship with the company (the belief is that the company tries to push things to the limit and increase utilization, while the union pressures the company to resist scheduling 18-hour work days with three vacation days per year), the unions also spend time and resources to lobby congress. The airlines didnt voluntarily get rid of age and weight standards because it was the right thing to do. The unions went to the U.S. government to force these changes. After September 11th, important issues include getting airlines to hold mandatory defense training, to specify maximum work days and ensure greater minimum rest. National officers and local representatives are paid in a rather unique way. Rather than being on salary, many hold a regular schedule from their airline and are removed from their trips by the company. The union then reimburses the company for removing the union worker. Thus, a union officers pay is still tied to their seniority. The big drawback is that if youd normally pick up a few extra trips , you cant go over a certain number of hours, even though many union officers work 25 to 28 days per month. Flight attendants will literally call from around the globe at all hours, waking a base chair up at 5 a.m. because the company didnt give them enough milk to serve breakfast. The officers work endless hours and its often a thankless job. Most union officers get into union work due to an intense sense of duty or because theyre just tired of complaining about things and want to help enact change. Since there are no mandatory local base union meetings for the general membership, most of the unions work is hands-on-dealing with problems and trying to fix them. Not all airlines have unions, however. Delta Airlines strives to offer its flight attendants generous work conditions (compared to the industry average) to discourage their flight attendants from organizing a union. In 2002, the AFA (representing flight attendants at United and several other airlines) spent several th ousand dollars to help unionize the Delta group, but they did not attain the majority vote of flight attendants required to bring the union in.

Saturday, December 7, 2019

The Basic Facts of Indeed Login Resume

The Basic Facts of Indeed Login Resume How to Choose Indeed Login Resume To begin with, you are going to want to setup OpenID connect on Google. Sazzi Login by Ionut Zamfir includes a great twist created by the CTA buttons. Pick the text asking in case youve forgot your username at the base right of the webpage. You must then fill in all of the information thats required on the screen and theyll want a significant bit of information so it probably helps in case you have a fill-in account funktelefon or a faulty email that you may use here. All you will need to do is complete your project information, select the sort of content you require, the content length and put in your project details. When you do, youll have access to a number of the very best content and youll get access to a bunch of textbooks. The Fundamentals of Indeed Login Resume Revealed A recorded voice menu can be an extremely frustrating experience when you require service and thats why our pledge to our clie nts is almost always a live person when they call IOI. There are a couple things that you need to be conscious of while creating an account your world wide web connection ought to be working in a flawless method. Forgetting password has turned into a standard issue these days given the quantity of online accounts an individual has. There is not any time for procrastination once it comes to getting your perfect job. Any resulting negative balance no matter cause must be paid back promptly. Through internet research, you ought to be in a position to create original content that could grab mass attention. Big graphic factors are used precisely in a manner it doesnt distract the reader from the other important elements of the resume. If you need assistance on homework, should you need access to study material or you will need to obtain a specialist who can provide you with a breakdown analysis of a specific issue or topic, then look no further than Chegg. A comprehensive copy of the Master Policy will be given upon request. Price improvement details are supplied for informational purposes only and arent employed for regulatory reporting purposes. Content projects can be finished within as little as a couple of days. Trade Armor is part of Active Trader Pro. Fidelity accounts may call for minimum balances. Yahoo is well supported by means of a customer service too. Content Writer (10 Openings) You will be provided the chance to write content for the site, in addition to for web and cellular applications. Go right ahead and bookmark this website within your internet internetbrowser to possess all this information on the Flagstar Bank Login process easily readily available for you. A work seekers account will stay active, but their profile wont be returned in employer candidate searches in the event the account has not yet been logged into within the previous 90 days. Studying resumes of individuals who hold, or have held the kind of job that youre pur suing, is also helpful. If you think your private information is used fraudulently, please contact your regional authorities. Your contact information is only going to be shared when you opt to respond to an employer. How to Choose Indeed Login Resume If youre using RR webmail, then its better if you use your private account at the right time of connecting to the ISP, since it is more convenient. If youre ready to come with us, were prepared to take you along. Create one particular account in case you do not have the account. Its very easy and quick to prepare an email account with ymail login. If you wish to utilize Hotmail in your cellular device, the initial and foremost, you will need to install the Outlook Application in accordance with your smartphone operating system. The settings dont follow what they should do. Its possible to pick a number of security options too, which can help you retrieve your password. If there is an issue logging into the account, then your password isnt accurate. There are two main aspects connected to the Hotmail login page. To begin with, you should go to your favorite and most preferred browser and visit the Hulu site. Then think about a few basic questions to enable you to clarify which format would be ideal for you. If you face any issue with youtube login, dont hesitate to inform us.

Monday, December 2, 2019

What the Most Successful People Know About Finding Career Happiness

What the Most Successful People Know About Finding Career Happiness You work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. Steve JobsA 2015SHRM report found that, in 2014, 86 percent of U.S. employees were satisfied with their current jobs up from 81 percent in 2013. Of this group, 39 percent of employees said they were very satisfied with their jobs.Do the math that means overall, only 33 percent of people in the entire study are very satisfied with their jobs. Does that number ring a bell? It reminds us of the ever-so-famous 31 percent of people who consider themselves engaged at work, according toGallup. If only one-third of the American workforce is engaged and/or very satisfied with their jobs, then what are we doing wrong?The 5 Keys to Employee EngagementAccording to the SHRM study cited above, the top five con tributors to employee job satisfaction in 2014 were as followsRespectful treatment of all employees at all levelsTrust between employees and senior managementEmployee BenefitsCompensationJob securityPerhaps if weplaced mora value on intrinsic motivators,rather than extrinsic motivators, mora employees would be very satisfied with their jobs.Take a look at the differences between intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivationOf all those five key factors for job satisfaction, how many cost money? Just compensation and benefits (and thats counting tangible benefits flex hours, vacation time, and work from home hours arent included here.)But what about intrinsic motivation? That comes from finding work you truly love to do, work that gives you a sense of purpose. That sort of thing doesnt cost any money.What should wefocus on in order to bring intrinsic motivation to our work lives?If people placed higher importance on the following things, then more employees would find genuine satisfa ction in their jobs1. Opportunities for Peopleto Use Their Skills and Abilities inTheir WorkThis factor came in at No. 7 on SHRMs list of job satisfaction contributors. Not too shabby But if more peoplevalued this, perhaps theyd find happiness in jobs that play to their strengths.The secret of joy in work is contained in one word excellence. To know how to do something well is to enjoy it. Pearl S. Buck,author and activist.Employees who apply their strengths in their rolesevery day develop positive work habits that lead to higher engagement. Using strengths also enables employees to better handle stress and negative emotions in the workplace, according to Gallup.2. The Work ItselfEmployees who find value in the actual work they do will likely be more satisfied in their jobs, even if those jobs are relativelymundane.If it falls your lot to be a street sweeper, go out and sweep streets like Michelangelo painted pictures. Sweep streets like Handel and Beethoven composed music. Sweep s treets like Shakespeare wrote poetry. Sweep streets so well that all the hosts of heaven and earth will have to pause and say Here lived a great street sweeper who swept his job well. Martin Luther King, Jr.Even the most fulfilling jobs can containadmin tasks that wreak havoc on happiness. Finding joy in small tasks and seeing how those small tasks contribute to the bigger picture can bring satisfaction to employees. Most of the time, these mundane tasks are repetitive, but if they can be associated with positive habits like putting on your favorite song while you do them we can turn around our cynical attitudes toward the work we dont absolutely love to do.3. Autonomy and IndependenceAutonomy and independence are twoof the main intrinsic motivators. The more employees who have these things,the more likelythose job satisfaction ratesare to go upThere comes a time when you ought to start doing what you want. Take a job that you love. You will jump out of bed in the morning. I think you are out of your mind if you keep taking jobs that you dont like because you think it will look good on your resume. Isnt that a little like saving up sex for your old age? Warren BuffetNailed it The third richest person in the world knows a little something about autonomy and the effects it has on business. Buffets Berkshire Hathaway avoids consultants and approaches business as a partnership, elend a corporation. According to the New York Times, Berkshires subsidiaries run businesses and adopt approaches that turn traits like reputation and a sense of permanence into constituent satisfaction and managerial flexibility that bolsters financial results.This independence-focused philosophy bolsters economic growth, and we think itcan translate to employee satisfaction, too.Research showsthat, when employees are given freedom, job satisfaction rises.Money Cant Buy HappinessWhile this isnt one of the ranking factors on SHRMs list, it is a key reminder for anyone looking to find care er happiness. Take it from the expertsYou can only become truly accomplished at something you love. Dont make money your goal. Instead, pursue the things you love doing and then do them so well that people cant take their eyes off of you. Maya AngelouPaul and I, we never thought that we would make much money out of the thing. We just loved writing software. Bill GatesThe law of work seems unfair, but nothing can change it the more enjoyment you get out of your work, the more money you will make. Mark TwainSo, how can you apply this to your own career? By loving what you do, no matter where you are. Seek out places that can not only give you respect and compensation, but also provide autonomy and impactful work.After all, life is too short to spend it grinding away at a job you dont love. While its imperative for employers and managers to work on getting America more engaged at work, its also up to the workers themselves.